

Healing Affirmations for Every Chakra

Chakra affirmations are a simple way to bring positive results into your life. They have worked for centuries to help balance chakras, create success and emotional healing. Here is a comprehensive list of powerful chakra affirmations to help you with your healing work. When performing affirmations, it’s best to bring as much visualization and emotions with each statement. Always state every affirmation in a positive context. Perform the affirmations without judgment and an open mind allowing the words to settle...

Intermittent Fasting for Beginners – Everything You Need To Know

What is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent Fasting, also known as Time Restricted Eating, refers to when eating is limited to a certain number of hours each day, preferably within an 8 to 12-hour window. Intermittent fasting is getting a lot of buzz these days for all the health and weight loss benefits that people are receiving. One of the foremost intermittent fasting researchers is Dr. Satchin Panda of the Salk Institute. These are the key takeaways from Dr. Rangan Chatterjee’s Podcast...

Super Sinus Rinse

This is an amazing upgraded sinus rinse to nip sinus issues in the bud. I’ve used it with great success! Give it a try 🙂 Sinus Rinse Supplies Xylitol Iodine Grapefruit Seed Extract Celtic Sea Salt Colloidal Silver Dropper (For Colloidal Silver)...