100 Best Affirmations to be Healthy, Happy & Vital

January 5, 2021

Your mind is a garden

Your thoughts are seeds

you can grow flowers

or you can grow weeds

young woman covering face with shadow

Our minds and thoughts are incredible powerful.

They can make us feel sad or happy, sick or healthy. [note the placebo effect in medicine]

To be healthy, happy and live a life of health & vitality we must train our minds & thoughts just as we do our bodies

This is training is done by curating our thoughts and self-talk to be uplifting and affirming the ways we want to think, feel, and be in this world.

So the practice is simple; read, think and speak affirmations.

With practice over time this will seed your mind with positive uplifting thoughts.

These thought seeds will lead to positive uplifting self-talk.

This positive uplifting self-talk will lead to a new way of feeling, acting and being in the world.

Upgrade your thoughts, upgrade your life.

Enjoy these affirmations to help reset and upgrade your thought patterns.

Save and repeat the ones that resonate the most with you.

Make this a daily practice and enjoy the new happier, healthier you that you will create 😊

More about BrettMehlman